Posted by on Jul 12, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

diy foaming face wash with essential oils melrose blend and geraniumI am all about easy when it comes to my skin care routine and that is why I LOVE my new diy beauty routine. Sooo easy. I spent years making terrible decisions that lead to some pretty unflattering skin conditions. This along with my son’s spring allergies are what got me hooked on natural remedies. Now I must start by saying I do honestly believe that to have beautiful skin you need to work on your body from the inside out. A healthy digestive tract and balanced hormones play a super important role in skin health.

I started my journey with essential oils and quickly committed to the 90 day challenge. I made some mistakes that compromised my results. For instance, I thought about the expense of the supplements and tried to cut back. Bad idea! Commit to the challenge and don’t cut corners. If the bottle says to take it twice a day, do it, even if that means one bottle is not going to last the entire month. That is my advice to you 🙂 Once I realized this I saw the results I wanted. This is so important! There are products you will no longer buy when you make the switch to essential oils. I love our healthy household and love our choice to no longer buy certain products that cause more harm than good.

Also, don’t pick every single essential oil and try to slap it on your problem areas. Pick your handful of oils and stick to it for at least 30 days before deciding to try something new. It is important to know that essential oils are not a one size fits all product, people respond to essential oils differently. What works for me may not work for you and visa versa. It can take 90 days for cells to change, devote your time and you will not be disappointed. I spent a lot a time making mistakes that wreaked havoc on my skin, with that in mind I didn’t expect instant results. Damn it feels good to not douse myself in fragrance and harmful chemical-laced beauty products and perfumes! And it feels so good to make healthy choices when it comes to the foods we eat. Beauty inside and out.

Here is my recipe!

DIY Foaming Face Wash with Essential Oils


Mix all ingredients together, saving the water for last, stir and add to your favorite foaming soap dispenser!

I like to follow up with a spray toner, jojoba oil and essential oils… (Recipes coming soon!)

Are you new to essential oils? I highly recommend starting with a premium starter kit. It is the perfect way to get started and you have all the essential oils you need to support many body systems, as well as, a diffuser and tons of samples. Aromatherapy is a excellent way to experience the health benefits of essential oils through inhalation. The essential oils in this recipe can be substituted with any other Young Living essential oils that you feel your skin may benefit from personally. Try essential oils from your premium starter kit.

Lavender, Frankincense and Purification essential oils are great for skin! Try 6 drops Lavender essential oil & 4 drops Frankincense or 6 drops Purification & 4 drops Lavender… Find a combination that is right for you!

*Disclaimer* The content on this site is information for educational purposes only. I am not a medical professional, just a mom that loves to make natural choices for our her family. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat or suggest medical advise of any kind. The statements have not been approved by the FDA. Always seek advice from your physician before changing your health regimen.

*Disclosure* I may earn a small commission for my product suggestions. As always, I only recommend products that I use and enjoy. Thank you! Your purchase helps support our website and allows me to continue to bring you quality information about natural and holistic options for your health and wellness.