Posted by on Oct 13, 2016 in | 0 comments

We love our essential oils but this is up there with one of our favorite Young Living products ever! Not only is this cleaner incredibly cost-effective it is environmentally-friendly and non-toxic. This plant and mineral based cleaner is very effective and the sweet and spicy aroma is so inviting. With a household full of us affected by toxic and synthetic chemicals, this has been amazing. Our air quality has improved immensely and we can all breathe easier knowing we are safe in our own home.

Below is one of my favorite graphics to share. It is just a small fraction of the recipes that can be made with a single bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner. How much are you paying for your window cleaner? A 14.4 ounce bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner is $28.95 retail/$22 wholesale. You typically use a capful per recipe and 1 capful is about a teaspoon. One bottle of Thieves Household Cleaner would make 86 bottles of window cleaner! Whoa! That is insanely cheap… that’s $0.26 a bottle, wholesale! I would imagine you are paying about $3.50 for a single bottle of windex! This is not only economical it is saving you, your family and your guests from a plethora of harmful chemical that are in traditional home cleaning products.

recipes using thieves household cleaner concentrate