Posted by on Mar 16, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

So you’ve been using your new starter kit and are loving your essential oils. Have you considered what you would do as you start to empty your bottles of essential oils? Don’t throw them out! Recycle them! Young Living has an awesome roller ball attachment that fits right on their 5ml and 15ml essential oil bottles called AromaGlide. Fantastic!

Here is a great way to get every last drop out of your essential oils. I purchased cute little Ball mason jars that fit a couple bottles in them and paired them by the scent I wanted to create. Some people just throw them all in a big jar and that works too. I just prefer the simpler combinations.

First, I put a little Epsom salt in the bottom of the jars. Take you essential oil bottles apart and add the bottles, lids and orifice reducers to the jars before topping them off with more salt.

fill jars with essential oil bottles and epsom salt

Seal the lids and label! Notice I misspelled lavender? Whoops! L-a-v-e-n-d-a-r… aaR you going to the mall later?! Anyone? Moving on…

essential oil bath salts

Such a simple way to use every last drop of oil! The salt pulls the oils and the results are an amazing health-boosting, magnesium-rich bath. I have used 1/2 to a full jar in one bath. I did pull the bottles and parts out of the salt and clean them up and saved the salts to use as needed.

homemade bath salt infused with essential oils

Clean your bottles in hot, soapy water. If there is a little residue from the stickers use a drop of lemon oil to help that come right off. I absolutely love all the oils that come in the premium starter kit and I find the ones I order on a regular basis are lemon, thieves, lavender and purification. So, I always want to have those on hand and never want to run out!

clean essential oil bottlearomaglide attachment for old essential oil bottles

Let the bottles air dry and start creating your favorite roller bottle blends! I have even made roller bottle ‘perfume’ and ‘cologne’, diluted my favorite oils to just roll-on like, PanAway, and even some of the oils I apply daily like EndoFlex so that I can just roll them on easily. Or, pop them right on an oil that doesn’t require dilution like Stress Away. You get one of these bad boys right in the kit for that specific use 🙂

diy roller bottles

So much fun! What are your favorite way to reuse your old essential oil bottles?